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There is a quality about a finely crafted wooden kayak which is hard to describe. They have a sensuousness not typical of other traditional wooden boats. Their motion through the water seems somehow smoother than other kayaks. The sweep of the sheer and the smooth arc of the deck draw the hand as well as the eye.
Nick Schade has been designing and building high quality, high performance sea kayaks under the Guillemot Kayaks name since 1986. His boats have paddled the bold coast of Maine and exhibited in the American Craft Museum. His work has garnered the first place award at the Washington Craft Show. One of his kayaks is now in the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art. They are suitable for riding late-season hurricane generated swells or for display in a post and beam great room. They are designed by a dedicated kayaker seeking to achieve the highest performance standards and built by a craftsman who feels that beauty and performance go hand in hand.
These kayaks are characterized by clean, elegant lines and smooth, responsive motion through the ocean.The Guillemot Kayaks designs are world renowned for their distinctive beauty and sea kindly handling. Nick's craftsmanship has been referred to as graphic art in wood. While some feel his boats should be confined to the protected confines of a living room, they are built to withstand the rigors of hard use.