Mystic River Tandem Canoe

A Classic Elegant Cedar Wood Strip Canoe
Mystic River Tandem Cedar Strip Canoe
Mystic River Tandem Cedar Strip Canoe Plans
Mystic River Tandem Wood Strip Canoe
Mystic River Tandem Strip Built Cedar Canoe

A Classic Elegant Cedar Strip Canoe

My wife Robin and I wanted a boat that we could easily drop in the water after dinner and enjoy a nice evening paddle with a minimum of fuss and bother. We wanted it to be a joy to paddle, comfortable and efficient. I drew up the Mystic River Tandem canoe. With classic lines, graceful recurved stems and nice tumblehome, this strip planked canoe design would be at home drifting along the shore in the Adirondacks, or across a harbor in Maine. Robin and I use our canoe to explore the waters here in Groton and Mystic.

The long waterline and fine entry allows this canoe to cover the miles with speed and efficiency. It has good stability and the capacity to carry a good load. While it does not have the huge capacity of a cargo canoe or the water-shedding and turning ability of a whitewater canoe, it is a good boat for fast, lightweight touring.

Canoes are the classic cedar strip built boat project. The Mystic River Tandem is an great first woodstrip building undertaking.

You can now get a copy of the instruction manual on Kindle. This does not include the full size patterns for the forms, but if you want to read through the process of building the canoe before buying the plans, or if you decide to build a different canoe but want some more instruction, the Ebook instructions may be a good option for you.

A Quiet Evening on the River with the Mystic River Tandem Canoe

Digital Download

Body Plan Drawing
Mystic River Tandem Cedar Strip Canoe Body Drawing
Profile Drawing
Mystic River Tandem Cedar Strip Canoe Profile Drawing
Plan (Top View) Drawing
Mystic River Tandem Cedar Strip Canoe Plan View


Beginner Small Paddler Average Paddler Large Paddler Extended Tour Fishing Lakes and Rivers Open Water Racing Surf


Length Ft Beam In Beam Gunnel (in) Waterline Length Ft Waterline Beam In Design Displacement Lbs Draft In Waterplane Area Sq Ft Wetted Area Sq Ft Surface Area Sq Ft Volume Cu Ft
17.16 34.00 17.00 33.00 450.00 4.50 28.64 31.69 60.00 0.00

Secondary Measurements

Prismatic Coefficient Block Coef Midship Area Coefficient Waterplane Area Coefficient Lateral Plane Coef Sinkage Moments to change trim 1 inch Righting Moment at 1 degree Vertical Center of Gravity above DWL
0.54 0.40 0.73 0.61 0.79 0.00 118.30 8.04 0.00

Stability Curves

Predicted Drag