Not so Deadly Waves
Tropical storm Noel swept by New England in late October and sent some fun waves towards Napatree Point. I didn't get much good footage while paddling, but the resulting video is still fun.
Videos and articles about getting out on open water in a kayak.
Tropical storm Noel swept by New England in late October and sent some fun waves towards Napatree Point. I didn't get much good footage while paddling, but the resulting video is still fun.
Pete sent out the plan last Friday before we had a good idea what the weather was going to be: "December 26 - Launch from Stonington Point and paddle out to Latimer Reef and beyond to Fisher's Island to look for seals." When I woke up on Monday it was raining hard, but it was warm at around 40 de
Carl and I were the only ones to show up. I guess other people looked at the weather and thought better of it. It wasn't particularly cold, but it wasn't exactly warm. They were talking snow, but the clouds were cracked, showing a little blue and the occasional glimpse of the sun.
How fast is your boat? Do you know? Does the question even make sense? Isn't any boat going to go faster if you apply more power to making it move? What people really should ask is" "how efficient is your boat?"
You may have read books about how to navigate in a kayak. Chances are you were slightly overwhelmed by some of the techniques.